- To encourage people to achieve financial independence through business ownership.
- To support entrepreneurs through coaching, mentoring and providing honest, independent advice to each client so that they have a greater probability of achieving their business goals.
- To provide low cost facilities for industrial microbusinesses that cannot work from home.
- To foster community integration for people from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds
- To encourage women to see business ownership as a flexible alternative to regular employment
- Attract funding from key stakeholders and supporters.
- Foster improved access to services for BEC clients

The BECIR Incubator provides low-cost business accommodation for industrial small businesses which cannot work from home or small home-based businesses looking to grow and expand.
The BECIR Incubator is the step between home-based and commercial property with small serviced office space and work sheds from 30m² to 150m² (subject to availability).
Incubator Tenant Applications to:
BEC Ipswich Region Inc.
Email: manager@becir.com.au